Thursday, August 20, 2009

Journal Entry: August 20, 2009

We had our Wednesday night meal yesterday, but K-- was feeling sick so we had to get by without him and N--. My little sister requested barbecue, but we're a pretty picky family when it comes to what barbecue we'll eat, and the only place currently high in our esteem (Steve's Rib) is miles and miles away.

Not far from my little sister's house.

So she graciously offered to pick up a family pack and bring it to our place, and we had an awesome dinner. D-- joined us for that, and after we'd cleared our plates D-- and I got to work unpacking his newly-arrived Rock Band 2 set, including (for the first time) the wireless instruments. I also took another stab at repairing my incredibly cool drum pedal, but didn't end up testing it last night because I wanted to give the glue lots of time to set up.

Anyway, around eight we had everything put together, and then we spent another half hour scrolling through the list of downloadable content sorting the I-love-that-song set from the I-must-have-that-song-right-this-moment set. Then D-- bought all the must-haves, including something by Journey for T--.

Then we played. AB wasn't too happy being excluded and ignored, but it's been nine months since we've really played Rock Band, and we got into it. We did set up the old, wired drum set in front of the TV, lowered down to knee-height, and placed AB's rocking chair in front of it so she could play along with us. That was pretty cute.

But yeah, that was all we did for the rest of the night. Next thing we knew, it was 10:30, and we had to make ourselves quit. Much of the conversation throughout was anticipation of the Beatles Rock Band coming out early next month. That...should be interesting.

Other than that, it's just things and stuff.

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