Thursday, August 7, 2008

Journal Entry: August 7, 2008

There are those making a big deal about tomorrow being 8-8-08. I think it's sad that, back in 6 and 7 and 8 A.D., they didn't yet know that it was 6 and 7 and 8 A. D. But, then, if you think about it, there was a year 666 and a 777 and -- I haven't checked my facts on Wikipedia, but I imagine they were using a modern calendar system by then, so they knew it. Just imagine the fruitcakes wigging out, all year long....

Must've been a hell of a New Year's party, too.

Anyway. Yesterday after work we got together for Wednesday night dinner at Taco Cabana. D-- rode with us, and K-- and N-- joined us once she finished a poorly-scheduled trip to the dentist. They were still able to eat with us, though, and N-- even made it to church on time, with T--.

D-- and I went back to the house and played Civ, which occupied us for the rest of the evening. When T-- got home, she put AB in bed and then made a quick trip to Wal-Mart, then we watched a couple episodes of Boston Legal. It was a fun evening.

I was late getting up again this morning (even without my pain medication), but I just couldn't get out of bed. Upon further consideration...I'm concerned I'm coming down with something. Something streppy. I've got a major headache, I haven't checked my temperature but I feel feverish, I have a stuffy nose and a really sore throat. I'm hoping it's just a bad allergy attack -- I'll take some benadryl when I get home tonight, out of sheer optimism -- but it feels worse than that.

Ugh. I could do with it, though. I was planning to go back to the gym tonight, for the first time in three weeks, but if I still feel like this when 5:00 rolls around, I'm going home and taking a nap.

Yeah, it's another whiney post. Sorry about that. In more positive news, my mom decided to read my novel Taming Fire to her students this year as part of their reading program. I just sent her my most recent copy last night. We had talked about it a little a couple months ago and I'd been hoping to get a rewrite in before the time came, but I've been unproductive this summer. Alas. It happens. She's happy with it as-is, though, so the plan moves forward. I'll let you know how that goes.

Other than that, it's just things and stuff.

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