Thursday, August 14, 2008

Journal Entry: August 14, 2008

Yesterday was Wednesday, but it didn't feel anything like a Wednesday.

After work, I stopped by the chiropractor, got caught in traffic behind an accident, grabbed a snow cone (that was more snow than syrup, grr), and then waited in a long line at the pharmacist to pick up a refill of the medication that I hate. All told, it was after 6:00 by the time I got home.

Then I learned AB was still sick, and she and T-- had had a pretty rough day together. T-- asked me to watch AB during church (because we didn't want to toss her in with all the other kids in Bible Class), but at the last minute T-- decided to skip church, too, and we all went to On the Border for some delicious Mexican food.

When we got home, AB went to bed and T-- and I watched some Boston Legal. It was a fun night.

Other than that, it's just things and stuff.

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