Thursday, August 21, 2008

Journal Entry: August 21, 2008

I just finished reading my little sister's novel. It, like my older sister's and Dad's, was much better than I ever expected. I feel a little bit less special every day....

I forgot to post yesterday, so I need to go back to Tuesday night, when T-- was in Tulsa for work. She stayed the night, so I was on my own for an evening. D-- was (and still is) out of town on business. Luckily, after spending all day watching my baby, N-- invited me over for dinner, so I didn't have to find a way to take care of myself.

We had meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner, and watermelon for dessert. It was delicious, and N-- sent the leftovers home with me for a delicious lunch on Wednesday, too. Afterward I hung out for a little while, but eventually had to rush AB home because she was in need of a diaper change and I'd left her bag at home.

After she went to bed, I watched Old School and worked on my markup of my sister's novel. B-- called, too -- a situation I'd arranged beforehand, when I learned he, too, was stuck at home watching a baby, so we couldn't really get together. Anyway, we talked for half an hour or so, and it was good to catch up. I hope to get over there sometime soon.

Wednesday morning I stayed home to watch AB until T-- got back from Tulsa, right around lunch time. As soon as she got in, I had my leftovers, and then headed up to work. Afterward, we met K-- and N-- (along with N--'s parents) at Jason's Deli for dinner. Then T-- dropped me off at home while the rest of them went to church.

I spent an hour and a half working on my stricken computer, but I gained almost nothing. Alas. It needs money, and I'm not in a spending mood. I only have nineteen days before it needs to be operational, though, so I had better get in gear.

Anyway, when T-- got home I gave up on the computer repair, kissed AB goodnight, and then got back to work on my sister's novel. It's a powerful story with engaging characters. I'm impressed.

That took me to bedtime and, as I said, I finished it up over lunch today. I also finished reading The Cat Who Went Bananas, which puts me quite near the end of that series.

Other than that, it's just things and stuff.

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