Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Journal Entry: August 5, 2008

I didn't mention it in the weekend wrapup, but Sunday morning I wrote some on my Sleeping Kings story. I did a page sometime last week, too (which may have made it into the blog -- I don't feel motivated to do the necessary research).

Anyway, yesterday over lunch (and sitting in the waiting room at the chiropractor's office), I finished up the new chapter I'm injecting into the middle of the already-finished-in-longhand novel, and then went ahead and typed it up, so now I can resume typing up the rest of my draft, and that will give me a finished draft of Golden Age. I think it's going to be about 30 pages short, and I don't know yet how I'm going to fix that, but I need to just get it down on paper first. And I'm now a major step closer to that goal.

So that's exciting. After work, I played with AB some and T-- made some really delicious chicken parmesan with pasta, and then D-- came over and we played Civ until way too late. That was my whole evening, really.

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