Friday, May 16, 2008

Journal Entry

I just realized, for the first time, that the Alphabet Game is a total scam. It's a good one, though. I'll definitely use it on AB.

Even though I don't socialize much when I'm at the gym, it still feels pretty lonely when I go and nobody else I know is there. I suppose not having my mp3 player has compounded that a little bit. I got the new one in the mail last night, just before I headed to the gym, but it needed three hours of charging, so I wasn't able to take it with me.

Anyway, yeah, I went to the gym after work, did my strength and cardio for an hour, and then headed home. D-- had offered to pick up some Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner, so I invited K-- and N-- to come join us after the gym, but they skipped both so they could go to the church picnic last night.

I called B--, too, and offered to bring the chicken to their place (I know D-- wouldn't have minded), but they were busy with plans of their owns. Speaking of which, congratulations, E--! You'll make a fantastic American. (I mean that as a compliment. Really.)

So, rejections firmly established, I got home around 7:30 and D-- and I spent the evening watching NBC sitcoms and eating chicken wings. A couple hours later, just as I was about to kick him out and go to bed at a reasonable hour (for the first time all week), he suggested we go grab a beer at The Dugout.

When we got there, though, we discovered they had live music all night, so we kept driving. Ended up at The Fox and Hound for a little over an hour, talking mostly politics and predictions for the world's future. I think we decided to start learning to be hackers.

Then I got up early this morning, and had to leave work after an hour to make a dentist appointment. I'm not sure yet what this evening will hold.

Other than that, it's just things and stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Aaron : )