Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Journal Entry: September 23, 2008

Yesterday after work, before I got settled in (which meant crashing on the couch and not moving), I decided with determination that I should get the tape down off the front of the house, so I could see how it really looked.

And the answer: pretty okay. Also, since the tape mostly held when I peeled it back, I only had to climb the ladder five or six times, instead of the eighteen I was expecting. So that's positive! I'll definitely need to get back up there with some white paint sometime this week for touch up, though. Ugh.

Oh! I also learned at work yesterday that I need to get some training in Adobe FrameMaker before the end of November, and that the only course (of those available to me) that really offers everything I need, in that time frame, is next week from Monday to Friday, in Chicago.


So I get to try to coordinate that, when our normal turnaround time for a travel and procurement request is about a week and a half. It's a big hassle at work, and then I'm going to have to spend a week on the road.

Still, I should get some writing done. So that's a good thing.

After I took the paint down last night, I crashed on the couch and did not move. My drum pedal came in, but I was way too sore to play. D-- came over, and T-- grilled some hotdogs and hamburgers (which were delicious) and then we watched the two hour premier of Heroes (which was pretty okay), and then I went to bed.

Other than that, it's just things and stuff.

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