Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Journal Entry: June 3, 2009

Yesterday after work I hung new curtains in AB's room and spent about forty minutes cursing at the register and vent covers I had to hang in the ceiling. I hate those things. Finally got it done, though, and most of my pending work for the nursery is done now.

T-- grilled up some hot dogs for dinner and D-- came over to join in. Then I spent some time getting the HTPC set up with the new Hulu Desktop software, which is pretty slick. It took a while to get it programmed to respond properly to my Harmony remote, but now that it does it's awesome.

Then we watched some Conan and some Jimmy Fallon while I played Civ and T-- and D-- both worked on work stuff. Then it was midnight.

Other than that, it's just things and stuff.

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