Thursday, February 12, 2009

Journal Entry: February 12, 2009

I mentioned feeling under-the-weather Monday morning, and that has kicked in with a vengeance. Starting yesterday morning (and then worse today), I've got a throatache, a headache, and a bit of an upset stomach. It feels like strep, but every time I say it feels like strep I end up with a sinus infection, so it's probably a sinus infection.

Either way, bah.

After work yesterday T-- and AB went to a dinner at the church, but I wasn't feeling up to the socializing, so I stayed home. D-- came over a little after 6 and we ran to Freddy's for a burger, then Best Buy to see if they had some software he's been wanting (they did).

Then we came back home, and I showed him a couple of the funnier episodes of "Flight of the Conchords" before T-- got home. Once she did, we turned on "Lost," and when D-- left after that, we watched an episode of "Law and Order" before retiring early. I was in bed until nearly 7 this morning, but I didn't really get much sleep (and, as I said, woke up feeling awful).

Bah. Bah and bah.

Other than that, it's just things and stuff.

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