Friday, January 9, 2009

Journal Entry: January 9, 2009

Wednesday night we had dinner at Subway with my little sister's family, and D--. Much of the talk was of a "Biggest Loser"-style contest Dad has recommended for our family. We're all participating, as far as I know. We'll see how that goes.

Afterward, T-- took AB to church and D-- dropped me off at home. I did some work on the computer and played some WoW. When T-- got home from church, she watched some TV, and then we went to bed. Quiet night.

Last night...not so much. T-- was in Tulsa for work yesterday, so when I got off work I had to drive out to the babysitter's place to get AB. She probably hadn't taken a nap all day, because she was cranky in the car, and finally fell asleep as we got home. I put her down for a short nap.

She woke up 45 minutes later, just as I was about to get her. Then D-- went with us over to K-- and N--'s to watch the big game. N-- made burgers and celebratory OU cupcakes (both of which were awesome), and then we watched the game (which wasn't).

T-- got in around 7:30. She came straight from work to K-- and N--'s place, and after about an hour she took AB home so both of them could get some rest.

I could say more, but I don't want to talk about it.

Other than that, it's just things and stuff.


Anonymous said...

Did you know that Tebow was the only quarterback to win the Nobel Prize, write a bestselling novel, save the whales, cure cancer, become canonized, and reach enlightenment all in the same season all while teaching 300 Albanian orphans to tie their shoes?

Nicki said...

I came across this program in my BHG magazine. You and your fam should check it out:

Anonymous said...

"I could say more, but I don't want to talk about it."

could you talk about it anyway?
