Sunday, April 24, 2005

Opening Comments

Okay, fine, I'm going to Blog.

My first plan was to just copy and paste all of Daniel's posts, because he's so popular that I figured it would make me popular, too.

What I've decided to do instead (and, by the way, becoming much less popular in the process), is use this as an opportunity to put down on paper ( it were) all of my radical ideas on God, Government, and the Nature of Man. Those are, essentially, three distinct lines of discussion I've developed and which I'd seriously like to explore in detail.

You, as the reader, may not like to explore them nearly as much as I do. So I recommend just not reading (although, as "the reader," not reading effectively annihilates your existence, so do take some care in making this decision).

Anyway, not so much a journal as a collection of philosophical pseudo-essays, a la Montaigne or...y'know...that emperor from Gladiator. Anthony Hopkins.

I do very much encourage you to post comments, if you have any response to my posts. Particularly to ask for clarification or argue with my point. Yours doesn't have to be a carefully reasoned and exquisitely crafted rebuttal. Just post your arguments, your denials, your seething slander. It will give me something to work with as I carry on the thought process.

That's all for now. Oh! As it's my primary focus within the genre, I'm going to refer to all the Nature of Man posts as concerning "Greatness." This gives me a convenient alliterative triumvirate, with which I will label each post I write. So if you're interested in my discussion of absolute monarchy but disgusted by my thoughts on Christianity and the Godaccountant Myth, you can continue reading the ones you want, and skip the ones you don't.

Also, I might stop posting after three or four days. It would be in keeping with past history.

Wish me luck. Comment often. Maybe you'll keep me going.


1 comment:

thegermanygirl said...

"...I recommend just not reading (although, as "the reader," not reading effectively annihilates your existence, so do take some care in making this decision)."

Oh, good. I still exist. I was worried there for a second.

And I'm glad you didn't stop blogging after three or four days. ;o)